trusted by our happy clients


Understand emerging markets
Engage through targeted campaigns
Supply to local retailers
All-in-one platform

The Platform


Leverage insights from emerging markets

reach52 connect is a data-driven campaigns builder which allows us to filter the unique and powerful data insights collected by Agents in hard-to-reach communities.


Customise campaigns
based on your goals and budget

Built with the flexibility to set your own campaign activations and tie these quantifiable outcomes to a specific budget, only paying per engagement completed by Agents.


Track outcomes and hear directly
from residents

Our partners dashboard, reach52 insights, allows you to receive updates, insights and data from your campaigns.

Understanding emerging markets
Build cohorts of residents to reach
Customise campaigns
Track outcomes, get insights
Integrated, end to end insights
Agents collect data, partners view insights
View unique health insights in new communities. Understand unmet needs.
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Target residents with relevant offers
Filter resident profiles, optimise targeting based on specific criteria, thereby improving the relevance and impact of health campaigns.
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Set outcomes and budget
Add campaign-specific content and tasks for the Agents to do with the resident cohort.
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Monitor impact and engagement
Receive insights and updates on campaigns
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See what gaps you can fill
View resident stories and qualitative insights collected by Agents on-the–ground.
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Data-driven. Human-powered.

Our platform converts data collected by our network of local Agents
into impact-focused awareness, engagement and referral health campaigns.


Leverage insights from emerging markets

reach52 connect is a data-driven campaigns builder which allows us to filter the unique and powerful data insights collected by Agents in hard-to-reach communities.


Customise campaigns
based on your goals and budget

Built with the flexibility to set your own campaign activations and tie these quantifiable outcomes to a specific budget, only paying per engagements completed by Agents.


Track outcomes and hear directly
from residents

Our partners dashboard, reach52 insights, allows you to receive updates, insights and data from your campaigns.