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reach52 signs Zero Health Gaps Pledge to advance health equity

Along with over 40 organisations, reach52 has signed the Zero Health Gaps Pledge - a commitment to advance health equity and eliminate disparities in health and well-being outcomes.

The difference in average life expectancy at birth between high and low income countries is glaring at 78 and 64 years respectively. At the most extreme, Japan and the Central African Republic have a difference in average life expectancy of over 30 years. Global climate and health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, have heightened both the severity of these inequities and the potential consequences of inaction. The Zero Health Gaps Pledge is a pledge to take action today so we can reverse this reality tomorrow.

The gap in years of human potential lost can be reclaimed by transforming the way organisations work, including the private sector. Leaders across industries can help drive this change by placing health equity at the core of their decision making for strategy, operations, and investments

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